Impressive Nokia Balance Sheet

Nokia expects cash outflows related to financial income and expenses to be.
Nokia balance sheet. You can analyze Nokia recent business situations by check its income statements balance sheets cash flow statements and other tables. View all NOK assets cash debt liabilities shareholder equity and investments. Income statements balance sheets cash flow statements and key ratios.
Per Share DataRatiosIncome StatementBalance SheetCashflow StatementValuation and Quality All numbers are in millions except for per share data ratios and percentage data All shares outstanding data and per share data are split adjusted Empty lines lines with only 0s are hidden by default Preliminary data is from the companies press releases. NOK Nokia Corp. 36 rows Detailed balance sheet for Nokia stock NOK including cash debt assets.
Check out NOK latest quarterly and annual financial reports. Get the detailed balance sheet for Nokia Corporation NOK. This information may help you make smarter investment decisions.
Ten years of annual and quarterly financial statements and annual report data for Nokia NOK. View as YoY growth or as of revenue. The balance sheet is a financial report that shows the assets of a business ie.
There are also historical financial reports for you to reference. This brings us to the current. Featured here the Balance Sheet for Nokia Oyj which summarizes the companys financial position including assets liabilities and shareholder equity for each of the latest 4.
The recent Q1 number for this line-item came in at 265 billion which was the lowest inventory number we have seen for quite some time on Nokias balance-sheet. Format Quarterly Annual etc Quarterly Annual Quarterly YoY Growth Annual YoY Growth QoQ Growth 3 Year Growth 5 Year Growth 10 Year Growth Per Share Annual Per Share of Quarterly Assets of Annual Assets. ADR Annual Balance Sheet - WSJ.