Cool Patanjali Audit Report

Patanjali Ayurved Limited incorporated with MCA on 13 January 2006The Patanjali Ayurved Limited is listed in the class of publicltd company and classified as Non Govt CompanyThis company is registered at Registrar of CompaniesROC Delhi with an Authorized Share Capital of Rs50 CR and its paid up capital is 41 CR.
Patanjali audit report. Internal Control Process of Patanjali Ayurved Limited is to provide reasonable assurance that Company achieves its objectives in the following categories. List of share holders debenture holders-29052021. As per MCA and other Industry classification records the main line of business is Manufacture Of Chemicals And Chemical Products The status of Patanjali ayurved limitedas on date is Active.
Financial Year March 31 2021. Add to Cart. Copy of the intimation.
Patanjali govind keswani director tarun jiwarajka whole time director sushmita shekhar additional director chief finance officer amit kumar goel auditors k. Ramdevs Patanjali Ayurved has described the recent media report about their companys health drink failing the test of United States Food and Drug Administration USFDA bogus. BBA BBS in AccountsFinance.
Copy of written consent given by auditor-21112017. Copy of resolution passed by the company-29052021. The Ministry also relaxed the additional fees of filing CRA-4.
Annnual Report Patanjali Ayurved Limited 2019-20. Registered corporate office salora international ltd. Comptroller and Auditor Generals report has found that Yoga Guru Baba Ramdevs Patanjali is one of the many industries along the river Ganga are discharging effluents into the river.
Patanjali Ayurved Limiteds last Annual General MeetingAGM was held on. Add to Cart. Patanjali Ayurved Limited has six directors - Ram Bharat Acharya Balkrishna and others.