Fabulous First Bank Financial Statement 2017

1st Quarter Financial Statements-2017 a u d i ted Premier Bank service first Consolidated Cash Flow Statement For the period ended 31 March 2017 Amount in Taka Consolidated Balance Sheet As at 31 March 2017 Amount in Taka Consolidated Profit and Loss statement For the period ended 31 March 2017 Amount in Taka PROPERTY AND ASSETS Cash.
First bank financial statement 2017. First capital wealth fund interim financial statements unaudited ended september 2017. First National Bank Ghana Unaudited Financial for the period ended 31 March 2017. As at October 31 2017 the Directors recommended for approval a final common share dividend which is not reflected in these financial statements of two point five cents 0025 per common share 2016 - 0025 bringing the total dividend for 2017 to five cents 005 per common share 2016 - 0045.
The bank made N595 billion as gross earnings. First Pension Custodian Nigeria Ltd 2015 Annual Report. FBN Holdings Plc 2017 Annual Report.
First National Bank Ghana Annual Report. Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the six months ended 31 March 2018. THE FIRST MICROFINANCE BANK STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2017 Assets Note 2017 2016 Afn in 000 Cash and cash equivalents 7 5798185 3737201 Placements 8 399867 1258936 Loans and advances to customers - net 9 5191284 4661546 Operating fixed assets 10 77156 161855 Intangible asset 11 118021 382.
BauerFinancial Inc 2017. Audited Financial Statements 2017. First capital wealth fund audited financial statements 2017-18.
FBN Holdings today released its financial statements for the year ended December 2017. FBN Holdings Plc 2015 Annual Report. Audited Consolidated Financial Statements 30 September 2017.
FirstGroup plc half-yearly results for the six months to 30 September 2017. FirstGroup Q3 trading update. First capital gilt-edged fund audited financial statements 2017-18.